Ali Symeri (haha150) pages

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Created by: Ali Symeri (haha150)

This project is a free password manager that also allows you to generate strong and secure passwords. It uses Chacha20poly1305 encryption for your privacy.

The app also has a desktop PC, Mac, Linux counterpart which also is free and open-source, desktop version.

Download on the App Store

Password manager

Finalpass is a password manager that is a tool which securely stores your online account credentials by encrypting them in a digital vault, accessible through a master password. It generates and stores complex passwords and synchronizes them across devices if you configure it to do so. With strong encryption and other security measures, password managers offer a safer alternative to memorizing or reusing passwords, enhancing both security and convenience for your online activities.

By using a password manager like Finalpass, you can create and maintain strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts without needing to remember them all. This enhances your online security by reducing the risk of password reuse and making it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.

Current features


Remote (if configured)

Feature request, bugs, questions or require assistance

Create an issue on this github page.

See support.

Privacy Policy

See Privacy Policy page.

A note about security and privacy

This app uses Chacha20poly1305 encryption and protects your secrets and databases with a master password. The master password is not stored anywhere and is only used to encrypt and decrypt your secrets and databases. The master password is not sent to any server or any other device. The master password is only stored in the device’s memory while the app is running. When the app is closed, the master password is removed from the device’s memory. I will not be held responsible for any data loss or data breach. Use at your own risk.


This app is not endorsed by any company or organization. It is an independent app. Loss of data is not my responsibility. Use at your own risk.

Some screenshots on phone: